Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter Weekend

Easter Weekend!! Man, that was a busy busy weekend! We love it though, FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY!!!
1st - We went to an Easter Egg Hunt and Grandma Pat's house (Zachs grandma), the kids loved it...

Kashlynn loved picking up all the eggs!!!

Krew, well he just wanted to eat the candy inside the eggs...
Kashlynn and her 2nd cousin Reece (Zachs 1st cousin) sharing eachothers eggs

Krew is ready to throw all the empty eggs back out into the grass
2nd - Zach and i went to my cousins wedding...

It was so much fun...for some reason i dont have any more pics...i suck...


Well i have been asking Krew all week what he wanted the Easter Bunny to bring him...he said he wanted Golf Clubs...So Easter morning came you could he Krew yelling from the front room and the Easter Bunny came and brought him is Golf Clubs...being excited was an understatement...He was begging and begging to open them...so we took his picture and off he went.

As for Kashlynn...She didn't really care at all...I couldn't even get her to sit or stand next to her basket for a picture...this is the best i got...She's a BRAT!!! But we love her

Here she is...Kinda interested now that Krew is playing with them...

4th - Lunch at Amaron & Satya's

Here all the Merrill cousins that came...We are missing Dayson and DeLona's kids...

5th - We went to BJ's Pizza with Zachs family but i dont have any pics...again...like i said...i suck...

And since Easter Sunday was General Conference we had no church that day...And Kashlynn didn't get to wear her new Easter Dress that Grandma Merrill made for her...here she is a week later

The girl would not hold still for me, so this is just a snap shot in scarament meeting...


Rachelle Palmer said...

cute dress!!! you need to do better at taking pictures!

Steven & DeLona said...

Her dress is so pretty! Mom did a good job as always. Easter weekend was a busy one for everyone down there! Nice to be around family and get to a part of things!
BTW that is a hot pic of you and Zach! woo woo!!

Kimberly said...

The kids are way too cute! I love your hair...it looked really pretty for the wedding. Kiss your kids for me and tell Zach "hey"!